Jesus showed us how we should live through parables; powerful, relevant, real life stories.
Following His example, InLighten Films offers modern-day parables;
3-4 minute Scripture-based films.
See Our Trailer Below:
What Is InLighten Films?
- Theatre-quality productions from award-winning filmmakers shot on location around the world.
- Powerful moving stories that don't just tell us, but show us how to live.
- Use online or in church for worship, Sunday school, small groups, youth groups, devotions and more.
- Each film comes with Scripture and discussion questions and many have bonus extras.
- Search the entire Season One Catalog by keyword or Scripture.
How Can InLighten Films Help You?
- Pastors- Engage your congregation with original short films to enhance your sermon.
- Christian Ed Leaders- Films are easy to stream or download and share. Perfect for small group study.
- Youth Group Leaders- No more tired YouTube videos. Films are high-quality, current, relatable and proven to get kids involved and talking about real life and their faith.
- Lay Leaders/Teachers- No more spending hours on lesson prep. InLighten Films evoke an emotional response and quickly get your group engaged in meaningful discussion.
Contact us today to learn more: